We run the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) for Southampton and West Berkshire for disabled children and young people (and those with special educational needs) aged 0-25, and their families.
Their contact details are as follows:
Southampton: southamptoniass@roseroad.org.uk - 0300 303 2677
West Berks: westberksiass@roseroad.org.uk - 0300 303 2644
Local Authorities publish information about services locally which support disabled children and young people (aged 0-25) and those with SEN. This is known as the Local Offer:
In Southampton, Portsmouth, and Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole there are Parent Carer Forums to enable parent carers of children and young people with a disability or special educational need to have a voice and impact on the services that matter to them.
Email: info@parentcarerstogether.org.uk
Website: www.parentcarerstogether.org.uk
Email: partcipation@hpcn.org.uk
Website: www.hpcn.org.uk
Email: Chair@sotonpcf.org.uk
Website: www.sotonpcf.org.uk
Unpaid Carers Support Southampton is a service for anyone who looks after a family member, friend, or neighbour who needs additional support. Please phone on [023 8058 2387](tel:023 8058 2387) or enquiries@carersinsouthampton.co.uk
Autism Hampshire is an independent regional charity providing a range of services and information within Portsmouth, Southampton and Hampshire, as well as wider afield. The community access team can be reached on 023 8076 6162, by email info@autismhampshire.org.uk, or via their website.