Our Senior Leadership Team manage our core areas of work to ensure we're achieving our mission, vision and the ambitions of our five year strategy 'Care and Ambition'.
"Since I started in January 2022, it's been abundantly clear to me just how incredible it is here, how passionate our staff are, and how valued our young people are. I look forward to working together with everyone to deliver an aspirational new strategy for Rose Road that will build our resilience to meet new challenges and continue to deliver the best service possible for the wonderful families of Rose Road."
steveswift@roseroad.org.ukManaging a small in house finance and HR team, Kirsty's role is to ensure the financial viability of the Association, managing financial processes, resources and risks, overseeing our central services and delivering our business plan.
Kirsty is also the designated Data Protection Officer.
Tina oversees our Respite service, managing a large team of support workers, overseeing care plans and all the care needs of our young people. With over 20 years' experience at Rose Road, Tina greatly enjoys seeing our young people grow and progress, and develops a strong rapport with our families, working directly with them to get the support they need, when they need it.
tinafullbrook@roseroad.org.ukZoe has worked at Rose Road for just over 12 years, having started as a support worker. Zoe now looks after our Community outreach, domiciliary care, day service and holiday club provisions.
zoeharley@roseroad.org.ukManaging a small fundraising and communications team, Beth works to raise £600,000 a year from donations, grants and legacies, to enhance our services and give disabled young people the very best experiences with us.
bethrogers@roseroad.org.ukRose Road is led by a board of volunteer Trustees, whose range of backgrounds and experience provide us with a wealth of knowledge and support. Our Trustees work closely with our Senior Leadership Team and our Ambassadors who help spread the word about our services.
As a qualified accountant in the charitable sector Julie enjoys being on the board of trustees and now retired, spends time volunteering with the fundraising team.
juliegomer@roseroad.org.ukRetired Head of Human Resources and father of one of our young people, Con has been involved with Rose Road since 2006 and has raised money through exciting challenges.
A retired qualified accountant, Chris joined the Board of Trustees in 2021 having formerly supported Rose Road for two years as a volunteer through work on a number of projects.
As a Director at marketing consultancy Cavendish, Sam brings a wealth of knowledge in marketing and communications, supporting Rose Road to increase its reach and impact.
Emma ran our All Aboard accessible rail travel project to provide better information and support on public transport to people with disabilities. As a Trustee she can provide valuable insight on behalf of those with additional accessibility needs.
A trustee since 2011, Jane spent over 20 years working to support young children at Great Ormond Street and continues to use this experience to advocate for disabled children and young people at Rose Road.
As a clinical negligence solicitor, Kym knows the challenges that caring for someone with significant needs can bring. Living locally to the Bradbury Centre, Kym became aware of the "excellent and unique" services we offer and was keen to offer her support.