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Corporate support

Wilkins Kennedy Cycle Team

We are extremely grateful to every business who chooses to support Rose Road and their fundraising efforts make a big difference to the lives of the families we support. Our partnership arrangements are bespoke to maximise the impact for both your company as well as Rose Road, and we'll always work closely with you and develop ideas together to engage your staff.

If you're interested in partnering with Rose Road, email Samantha Robson, Corporate & Partnerships Manager, or phone her on 023 8072 1213 or 07861 820614.

Charity of the Year

As your partner we'll work with you to organise a programme of activities throughout the year. You can enter teams into our events, hold your own events such as dances or bespoke challenges, or run simple fundraising schemes at work.

Give As You Earn (Payroll Giving)

Give as you earn (GAYE) allows employees to donate regularly straight from their salary (before tax) which provides vital regular income, allowing us to plan for the future and support families in a flexible way when they need us the most.

You can check if your employer is already signed up to the GAYE scheme here, and you can nominate them if not.

The scheme is free to set up, easy to use and a great way to promote collective charitable giving and achieve something really special together.

GAYE case study - Radcliffe & Co

Radcliffe Mini Triathlon Team

Radcliffe & Co Logo

The team at Radcliffe & Co have been signed up to the scheme for a number of years, and have donated thousands of pounds to Rose Road across that period.

Darren Fulford, Finance Director at Radcliffe & Co said:

"As a Southampton based company for over 60 years, we support local charities and when I heard that the Give As You Earn scheme can be operated easily alongside our payroll system, I was really keen to explore it. It was such an easy process that I signed us up straight away. A simple spreadsheet of donations is submitted monthly by email – your staff just have to tell you what they want to commit to, easy!"

A staff member at Radcliffe & Co said:

"My nephew has autism and I know the impact this has had on the rest of the family. Rose Road makes such a difference to many local families and is a unique local facility and should be celebrated and supported. This is my way of doing so."


Staff volunteering is extremely rewarding and can increase staff morale through team-building opportunities, and supports your Corporate Social Responsibitlity.

Opportunities for voluntary work include:

Service Users Girls Photo

Corporate Sponsorship

You could sponsor an event, a bedroom or a range of charity information, (e.g. newsletters, factsheets, events booklet) which is a fantastic advertising opportunity.

Our corporate partners:

AllTek: Construction recruitment kept simple Ernst and Young OceanBlu Radcliffe and Co TJ Waste Azets TSB Radcliffe & Co Waitrose Rund Ordnance Survey Irwin Mitchell Smith Williamson Womble Bond Dickinson Paris Smith Geoff Holt MBE

Auris Ear Care

Auris Ear Care is the top choice for ear infection treatment, the removal of foreign objects from ears and microsuction ear wax removal in London and throughout the Home Counties. They are the first CQC regulated clinic in the UK to provide 24/7 home visits. ENT doctors deliver the service for both adults and children.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Auris Ear Care for their collaboration and the memorable photo moments they create by gifting us a free branded backdrop. Their support is hugely appreciated.