Please get in touch with us if you have any feedback on our service or our fundraising, whether positive or negative. We are always keen to hear your feedback, thoughts and celebrate or share special moments. You can use our feedback form below.
We hope that however you contact us, you find that we provide a high quality service.
However there may be a time when you wish to make a complaint about our services and this will be treated seriously and promptly. It is important for us to understand what people want, and that you feel listened to. All complaints are treated seriously – if you are a service user or family member, making a complaint will not affect any of the services you receive from us.
We believe that by listening we can develop, learn and change so thank you for getting involved.
Contact the person you have been dealing with or the Manager of the service to explain what the problem is. You can do this in person, via email (details below), by phone or by writing a letter, or you can use our feedback form below.
Head of Care: Tina Fullbrook -
Head of Communities: Zoe Harley -
Head of Fundraising: Chloe Atkins -
Chief Executive: Steve Swift -
If you feel that our investigation has not resolved your issue you can request an appeal and our Chief Executive will review your complaint and provide you with a response within a further 28 days. If it is going to take longer we will let you know.
If you are a service user or family member you can take your complaint to the body that provides funding for the service. This is usually a care manager in your local authority Social Services department.
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which the local authority has responded, the Local Government Ombudsman investigates complaints in a fair and independent way. They can be contacted at:
The Local Government Ombudsman
Address: PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH
Telephone: 0300 061 0614
Our Acorns overnight breaks service is regulated by Ofsted. They can be contacted at:
Address: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD
Telephone: 0300 123 4666
Our Oaks short break service and our Outreach service are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). They can be contacted at:
Address: Care Quality Commission, Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TG
Telephone: 0300 061 6161
Complaints about our fundraising activities can be raised with the Fundraising Regulator.
Please contact us if you need this information in an alternative format or language.
Contact Fundraising RegulatorThe Rose Road Association
The Bradbury Centre
300 Aldermoor Road
SO16 5NA
Telephone: 023 8072 1234